Demystifying Flash Photography

Instructor: Tim Cooper

Self Study

Flash is easy and this course will show you how and why! We’ll cover all the components of flash photography, from how exposure settings affect the flash, to controlling the power and quality of the flash output, to balancing your flash with the ambient light. We’ll cover light modification, flash triggers and accessories to make your life easier.

Flash is one of the main techniques that separate the pro from the amateur. And it’s easy.

Used correctly, Flash can help illuminate or highlight overly dark subjects so they stand out and become the focus of our attention.

Using an additional flash in the scene can make a snapshot look more like a professional portrait. It can be the main source of illumination, or simply take a dull subject and a add a breath of fresh air.

Course Content

Using videos, Tim clearly explains how easy flash can be. Beginning with the basics, Tim shows camera, exposure and flash settings. With images as examples, he demonstrates the before and after affects of using flash and shows examples of modifiers and other useful accessories.

Course material is available for 60 days from the date of enrollment.

  • Lesson 1: Basic Flash Concepts

  • Lessons 2: Controlling Ambient Exposure

  • Lesson 3: Controlling Flash Exposure

  • Lesson 4: Ambient Vs. Flash Exposure

  • Lesson 5: Shutter Effects

  • Lesson 6: Crafting the Light

  • Lesson 7: Taking Your Flash off Camera

  • Lesson 8: Head Zooming

  • Lesson 9: Color of Light

What People Are Saying About This Course

I like this format, it worked so much better for me than the live session I attended in the recent past. You learn at your own pace with information that is just right for allowing beginning photographers to get over their apprehension in using a flash unit. (7/7/20)

“When I learn, it helps me to understand WHY I am doing something. I've had flash courses in the past, but this one helped bridge the gap between the techniques and the concepts for me. This was a great follow-on from the online Zone System exposure class that I took earlier. I was desperately looking to learn more about flash and exposure, so both of these courses did that for me and now I feel much more in control.”

“I took two online classes w/ Tim and he does a thorough, clear, very informative and challenging class. Showing the side by side pictures was very helpful in seeing the gradual differences. Also, showing pictures of equipment is useful too!”

Capital Photography Center Instructor

Instructor Tim Cooper

Tim loves photography and loves teaching. Combining these two passions is how he has spent the last 25 years.

Like many people, Tim always felt he had a creative side but felt that side stayed buried for way too long. That all changed when he moved to Montana and discovered his love of photography and his creative outlet!

Before long he was teaching and realized that he loved teaching as much as he loved taking pictures. He found that sharing his knowledge, watching people grow, and witnessing their excitement as they exercised their creative side was truly satisfying.

While teaching, he also began a career as a commercial and assignment photographer working with clients such as The North Face, The Ritz Carlton, Vasque boots, 3M and The International Heart Institute. His editorial and commercial photographs have appeared in Travel & Leisure, New York Times Magazine, Outdoor Photographer, Fly Rod & Reel, Modern Luxury as covers, advertising, art, and editorial illustration.

Tim also loves to educate by writing and recording. He is the author of many training videos and has co-written three books in the series Complete Photoshop for Digital Photographers as well as many e-Books on various topics.

He runs photography workshops to many exciting destinations as well as with his partners at National Parks at Night. He loves the inevitable camaraderie that develops during workshops and finds it is one of the best ways to enjoy the beauty of our natural world, the drama of our man-made cityscapes, and to share his love of photography with others. Visit to find out more about Tim and his workshops.