The Zone System: Mastering Light and Exposure

Instructor: Tim Cooper

Self Study

The Zone System can teach you how to get correct exposures every time. In any situation. Through the study of exposure, you’ll become a master of light-the essential ingredient to every great photograph.

Learning the Zone System is a way to fully understand your camera and how it reacts to light.

Recognize the right light for every situation, alter compositions, adjust exposure, and even begin to pre-visualize how the final image will look up on the web or hanging on your wall.

Course Content

Course includes in-depth videos covering the Ancel Adams and Fred Archer's Zone System ensuring predictable results for metering and exposure .

  • Lesson 1: Introduction

  • Lessons 2: How the Camera’s Light Meter Works

  • Lesson 3: The Indicated Exposure Meter

  • Lesson 4: Placing Tones on the Scale

  • Lesson 5: Brighter and Darker Colors

  • Lesson 6: Portraits and Skin Tones

  • Lesson 7: Evaluating Tones

  • Lesson 8: Other Exposure Options

  • Lesson 9: Quick Metering

What You Will Get

  • Lessons

    Using videos, Tim clearly explains how the Zone System works and how you can use it to capture the perfect exposure.

  • Course Duration

    Course material is available to students for 60 days from date of enrollment.

What People Are Saying About This Course

“This is a really terrific short course - I learned a ton of new stuff in just an hour or two.”

Capital Photography Center Instructor