Exploring Street Photography
Past Webinar Recording

Instructor: Michael Koren

Learn pro level tips and techniques for street photography as well as ethics and privacy issues associated with it.

Topics include: • Proper techniques and settings for street photography • Pro tips and techniques for capturing compelling images • Create captivating images using anticipation, patience, composition and visualization • Privacy and ethics concerning street photography

Capital Photography Center Instructor


Michael Koren

Michael Koren is a free-lance sports and event photographer in the Washington/Baltimore metro area specializing in youth sports game-time action and team portraits. Prior to this Michael worked professionally shooting model portfolios, corporate portraits, product photography for catalogs, and client advertising campaigns.

Michael’s passion for photography is shared through his skill as a photography educator. He teaches classes at Montgomery College on a variety of photographic topics from mobile photography to street photography.

Additionally, he has served as President and Education Chair of the Silver Spring Camera Club in Maryland. He has led numerous seminars and workshops for the Camera Club, Ritz Camera, Calumet, and others with topics ranging from beginner photography to hands-on advanced level classes.

Visit Michael’s website to learn more. https://www.michaelkorenphotography.com/