Meet and Critique

Instructor: Corey Hilz
June 18

Join Professional Photographer, Corey Hilz for a meet and critique photo session. Corey will discuss the pros and cons of each photo, as well as do light editing as appropriate.

Course and Live Session on June 18 from 7pm - 9pm via Zoom.

This course will be most helpful for beginner and intermediate level photographers. Familiarity with photo editing software (Lightroom, Photoshop, etc) is useful, but not required.
Join Corey Hilz for a photo critique session. Constructive feedback about your images is one of the best ways to learn how you can improve your photography. Critiques give you an objective view and valuable insights about your images.

Corey will discuss, in detail, the strengths of the images, as well as how they can be improved. He will give specific recommendations on how to strengthen the photos, such as how to adjust the processing (cropping, modifying tone and color, selective adjustments), and/or how to re-shoot if appropriate.

Although he won’t be giving any Lightroom or Photoshop instruction, he may demonstrate the processing adjustments he is recommending such as cropping, and selective lightening and darkening.

Corey is an experienced photographer and judge and will offer constructive feedback about your photos in a friendly and encouraging manner.

This is not a competition, so the images you submit don’t have to be your very best. They should be photos that you feel pretty good about, with some diversity in subject material, and they should fairly represent where you are with your photography.
  • This will be a small-group course of 8 people.

  • Each participant will have 5 photos reviewed and critiqued by the instructor.

  • It’s very helpful to hear about how you can improve your own images but also to see and hear about other’s images as well.

Required Gear

What materials will you need for this class?

  • A computer or tablet for the live session

  • 5 images that you will submit prior to the course start date.

Capital Photography Center Instructor

Instructor Corey Hilz

Corey Hilz is a professional photographer specializing in nature and travel photography. He finds the diversity in nature and cultures around the world offer boundless opportunities for new images.

Corey approaches his subjects with an artistic eye, looking for a fresh perspective. He goes beyond the documentary image to show a unique perspective using color, shape and line. He strives to share the beauty of a destination you’ve never seen and provide a new perspective on a familiar subject. While Corey has collected diverse images from extensive travel, he also find some of the most interesting subjects close to home.

Corey is a published author and his work is seen in magazines, books, calendars and catalogs. His photographs are also seen in exhibits and his prints are found in private collections. Corey has written six books, including two books on digital workflow and the first book dedicated to Lensbaby.

Corey has a passion for sharing his knowledge and his instruction enables photographers to improve their photographs technically and artistically. He leads workshops to locations in the United States and abroad. More about Corey can be found on his website,